CoderDojo Toledo [08/10]

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New location!

CoderDojo is a global movement of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people. At a Dojo, young people, between 7 and 17, learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and explore technology in an informal and creative environment.

In addition to learning to code, attendees meet like-minded people and are exposed to the possibilities of technology. Within the CoderDojo Movement, there is a focus on community, peer learning, youth mentoring and self-led learning, with an emphasis on showing how coding is a force for change in the world.

The Toledo Region's first CoderDojo meets every Saturday from noon to 3pm.


Communica / AIGA
705 Monroe Street
Toledo, OH 43604, US (map)

Parking in the lot underneath the horse mural. If lot is full, there is a Qwik pay lot across from the Shell station.

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