The State of the Cybersecurity Landscape

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In the war against cyber-crime, no one gets to avoid battle. That’s why it’s crucial that each of us is proactive in understanding the innovation and advancements being made on both sides of the cybersecurity arms race.

-Security Industry Advances -Decline of POS Malware Variants -Growth of SSL/TLS-Encrypted Traffic -Decline of Dominant Exploit Kits -Cyber Criminal Advances -Explosive Growth in Ransomware -Exploited Vulnerabilities in SSL/TLS Encryption -IoT Became a New Threat Network -Combatting the New Cyber Threats

It’s worth noting that the technology already exists today to solve many of the new challenges cyber criminals threw at victims in 2016.

If you’re interested in prevention, knowledge has always been the greatest weapon in the cybersecurity arms race. If you know where your enemy has been, you have a much better shot of guessing where he’s going. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.


Toledo Museum of Art

The Toledo Museum of Art – GlasSalon

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