Diving into Raspberry Pi

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DevToledo meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

So what is a Raspberry Pi and what does it really do? Remember all those cool ideas you had that would never work because you had to hook up a giant computer that weighed 10 pounds? Well, that's not a problem any more. Raspberry Pi is a tiny computer that runs Linux and gives you low level I/O on a few of its connectors. Since the PI is for Python it will be the language I use for the examples. I'll show you how it works and maybe blink some lights and make something move.

Speaker: John Zalewski

RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/DevToledo/events/111488062/


Seed Coworking
25 South Saint Clair Street
Toledo, OH 43604, US (map)

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